October 12, 2008

Some Funky Jive

The current song is a catchy, funky rap song by Hustle Simmons - The Rundown (to download right-click, save-as) . For those worried about pirating music, this song was released by the artist as a free download. In fact, I don't think you can even find it for purchase anywhere. If you go to the record label's site for the artist (I think it's the record label's site), you find a copy of the video that you can download for free. There were a few other sites that offered the mp3 as a download, but the above link was the first I found with a direct link. Enjoy!

One thing I wanted to do with my blog is share songs (maybe other media) I'm currently digging. But, I didn't want it to be forced and I also didn't want to have a playlist. So, I have a single-song that you can play on the right. I don't know how on top of this I'll stay, but there will be a new post when I update the song.

In addition to sharing my music, I wanted to make it easy for you to obtain the song. So, when possible I'll be providing a link to where you can download the song. If it's not a free song, I'll likely point you to a site where you can purchase it. Luckily, the current song is a freebie.

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